
"India's power reform and pool market"

Just one month before, the August 11, 2008, in this column, India's power pool market was reported. "Since the government does not work hard to create a pool market, the Stock Exchange is encouraging NTPC, national thermal power corporation, NHPC and Tata to whip them to create the market platform and necessary infrastructure for the pool market.

" Today's issue; Tata Consultancy Services are leading the technical matters and forming the joint venture with NTPC, NHPC and PFC to build the platform for the national level of power exchange. The Stock Exchange is moving in control to form the joint venture.

On India's power reform, IEEJ's text, published in September 2004, briefly summarized. At the time of 2004, for the next five to 10 years, the main items to be implemented are; open access to transmission lines, promotion of interstate trade, and the formation of market power pool and liberalization of the system. The IEEJ's text emphasized on pool market that "In order to promote competition, the maintenance and development of transmission network is important."

Recently, in the Philippines WESM of pool market, the accident at the substations caused supply shortage and KWh market value went up to nearly 70 cents. It was happened to be a great confusion. Indeed, the current transmission lines in India have necessity of a network maintenance and, in addition, issue of a large loss in the system. I think, the current supply shortage in India is probably going to be pandemonium unless otherwise to improve the demand and supply gap.Today, a few important news continued.

Chief North Korea's Kim Jong-Il, may become partially paralyzed. Thailand's Prime Minister Mr.Samack was forced to resign by the Constitution court. Crude oil prices on the barrels have been moved to 102 dollars level. It was expectations the OPEC to increase production.

September 8, 2008


●080909A Pakistan, Daily Times
IHC suspends previous verdict on Munda Dam Project http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2008%5C09%5C09%5Cstory_9-9-2008_pg7_20


●080909B Nepal, The Rising Nepal
Focus on statute, socio-economic transformation


●080909D India, Economic Times
TCS signs JV with NTPC, NHPC, PFC to set up power exchange http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/News/News_By_Industry/Energy/Power/TCS_signs_JV_with_NTPC_NHPC_PFC_to_set_up_power_exchange_/articleshow/3458865.cmsChina●080909C


Three Gorges project to begin full operation in November http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2008-09/08/content_9859678.htm